Patents Patents granted

  • Antifungal formulations from medicinal plants for vaginal candidiasis, 2022, India, Patent No 386781, 18/01/2022
  • Modified Spacer Balloon Device, 2022, India, Patent No. 379287, 13/01/2022
  • Herbal Microbicide Formulation For Preventing HIV, 2020, ARIPO, South Africa 2019/05814, 29.07.2020
  • Graphene based polymer composites for producing condoms with high heat transfer, improved sensitivity and capacity for drug loading, 2016, ARIPO, (AP/P/P2016/009272), India (349968) and (BR112016010479-0)Brazil.
  • An improved female condom &process of using the same using NR LATEX
    South Africa Patent No. WO 2012/143946 A1 30.07.2014, Aripo Patent No. AP 3716, 30/7/2016, India Patent No. 338697 17/6/2020, Brazil Patent No. BR 112013026894-8, 22/6/21

Patents filed Patents filed


  • Development of herbal microbicide formulation: PCT Application no.  PCT/IN2018/050056.
  • Process for the synthesis of non-steroidal oral contraceptive and its pharmaceutically acceptable salts: Application No. 201841000652


  • Antifungal Formulations from Medicinal Plants for Vaginal Candidiasis: PCT application No. PCT/IN2017/050393.


  • Antifungal formulations from medicinal plants for vaginal candidiasis: Application No. 201641031883.


  • Methods and Formulations of Sublingual Oxytocin: Applications No. 3861/CHE/2015.
  • Targeted, bioavailable and safe delivery of mucoadhesive polymer coated iron particles: Applications No. 2610/CHE/2015.
  • Developing a graphene (oxide)-based chemiluminescence (and/or) Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay diagnostic technology, and kit for determining the precise concentration of Anti-Müllerian Hormone, present in human serum: Applications No. 633/CHE/2015.
  • Developing a graphene (oxide)-based chemiluminescence (and/or) Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay diagnostic technology, and kit for determining the precise concentration of Lutenizing Hormone, present in human serum: Applications No. 512/CHE/2015.
  • Developing a graphene (oxide)-based chemiluminescence (and/or) Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay diagnostic technology, and kit for determining the precise concentration of Follicule Stimulating Hormone, present in human serum: Applications No. 513/CHE/2015.


  • Graphene based polymer composites for producing condoms with high heat transfer, improved sensitivity and capacity for drug delivery: PCT Application no. PCT/IN2014/000711.
  • Producing poly(glycerol sebacate) condoms: Applications No. 2319/CHE/2014.
  • Poly(glycerol sebacate) based materials for food packaging applications: Applications No. 4256/CHE/2014.


  • Modified Spacer balloon device: application no: 0584/CHE/2011.